Friday, March 4, 2011

Foto Artis Indonesia Fahria Mumtaz aka Ade Ivay " Angel Shoot "

Ade Ivay

Ade Ivay

" Ade Ivay Angel Shoot "
Ade Ivay

Ade Ivay

Ade Ivay

Ade Ivay

Ade Ivay

Ade Ivay

Spoiler :) :

Ade Ivay

Ade Ivay

Ade Ivay

Use Drugs, Artist Fahria Mumtaz aka Ade Ivay Arrested

An artist's soap operas and films, Fahria Mumtaz aka Fahria Ade aka Ade Ivay (22) arrested members of the Directorate of Drugs Jakarta Police, because it was caught using drugs.

"One of the suspects known as the actress who starred in several soap operas," said Director of Drug Polda Metro Jaya, Commissioner Pol. Anjan P. Son in Jakarta, Tuesday (04/06).

Anjan said that the artist's arrest began when investigators received information and an arrest on a drug dealer, in the boarding house No. Br. Soil Road 2/A-4 driver 2 No. 18, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta, May 5, 2010.

Investigators seized one gram of methamphetamine, ecstasy five points, five fives happy pills and two units of mobile phones owned by the suspect, Br. The police developed a case and snoop activity on the second floor rented house No. 218 North Road No. Tegal Parang. 17, Jewel, South Jakarta.

On May 24, 2010 at the rented house, the police arrested the suspect with the evidence BRN 2.9 grams of shabu, two units of mobile phones, and arrested Fahria Ade and any evidence in the form of 0.2 gram of shabu and a cellular phone unit.

Anjan said Br including drug dealers network among artists with one of its users, namely Fahria Ade.

Br is also known to have been arrested with the same case in 2008 and get drugs from a person sentenced in Nusa Kambangan Penitentiary, Cilacap, Central Java.

Anjan said investigators bagging a number of name artists or celebrities who use drugs based on the development of the arrest of suspects Ade Ivay.

"We have pocket a number of names that allegedly using drugs and of course they become the target of our operations," he said.

Anjan reluctant to mention the identity of the names or number of celebrities who use drugs because it upholds the presumption of innocence. "From that name there are the younger and older," says Anjan.

Anjan explain Fahria Ade has starred in a film titled SATU CINCIN DUA CINTA (2008), JOMLO (2008), HANTU RAMBUT PALSU (2009), HANTU KARET BIVAK, HIDAYAH (2007), EMBUN (2007), DONGENG (2007) and PROMO ISTRI MUDA.

Director of Drugs said that the three suspects caught in Article 114 paragraph 1 jo. 132 paragraph (2) Subsidiary of Article 112 paragraph (1) jo. Article 132 paragraph (2) of Law Number 35 Year 2008 on Narcotics maximum penalty of 20 years imprisonment and a fine of Rp10 billion.

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